On Monday we planted our garden-we got the ground all ready and repaired the frame around the garden and then planted beans, peas, carrots, corn, cucumbers, melons and strawberries. The kids had alot of fun helping with that.
On Tuesday, we went on a 2 1/2 mile hike on Pine Mountain -the longest hike we've ever taken our kids on, and they did it! It was a little tough on William. Tom and I had to take turns carrying him, but for the most part, he hiked it. We can't wait until our kids are older and we can do longer hikes.
Wednesday was pool day. We all worked on our pool to get it ready for summer- the kids loved doing that. We got all the leaves and debris out of it from the winter, scrubbed the sides and floor of it, and refilled it. Since it's a big pool, it was a big job, but the kids were happy to play in the water as we did it.
Thursday we went to the National Infantry Museum and walked around it. What an amazing and inspiring place that is. We'll have to take family there when they visit. It's huge and full of all sorts of interesting displays. It was even interesting to William. We loved it and we're thankful to be so close to it.
Friday we went to the Wild Animal Safari in Pine Mountain. It was better than the Atlanta Zoo! When we pulled in to the parking lot we saw a peacock just walking around in the grass in front of us. He wasn't in a cage or anything, just wandering around. Once we got inside the park, we did what they call the "walk about" where you basically go and look at the animals in their cages like at the Zoo. It was neat, except for when Alan got "sprayed" by the Tiger. Eww. I guess he didn't like us looking at him... Then we went on a "safari" where we got to drive through this 3 mile (I think) land where the animals just roam and come right up to your car window and eat out of your hand! The kids were scared at first when the big cows would come and stick their heads in our car window. But they had tons of fun.
Saturday we went with the Primary in our Ward to the Temple. I already put up a post about that, and it was such a special experience. It was beautiful and even the littlest children in our primary could feel how sacred the Temple is.
Sunday, Alan and I spoke in church. This was Alan's first talk he gave in Sacrament meeting that wasn't part of the Primary Program. He spoke on "Keeping the commandments" He wrote the entire talk himself and included lots of scriptures. Afterwards, he said he was scared at first, but then he said as he kept talking, it became kind of fun! That's my boy. :)
1 comment:
Sounds like a great spring break. So many fun things to do.
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