
Friday, August 07, 2009

Back to School Cake

Tonight we're going to a ward social. The theme is "Back to school" because school just started yesterday. The RS. is providing the dinner, but everyone else is asked to bring a dessert. So, I decided to make a simple cake.

First day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school for Alan and Sarah. I'm so sad I forgot to take first day of school pictures. They had a great day though, and I think this will be a happy year for them.

As for Kaitlyn, Georgia has this ridiculous 6 1/2 hour long, 5 day a week program for 4 year olds, that I refuse to subject my little children to. Can you say "Developmentally inappropriate"? Anyway, Kaitlyn is with me. While the big kids were at school, we did some good 4-yr-old math and science today. I let her and William sort some m&m's in mini muffin tins. Then we colored some dry macaroni. We hypothesized about what would happen if we put both red and blue on it, and during the experiment, we saw that it turned the macaroni purple! Kaitlyn had the idea to see what it would look like if we cooked it. I had never tried this before, and I thought it was great for her to think of this herself, so we did it. After it was cooked, the macaroni was still purple, and we decided to make it into macaroni and cheese for lunch.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Giant Paper Fun

This afternoon, to beat some boredom, I suggested that Alan Sarah make something out of the giant roll of paper. Sarah made one of those origami cubes you blow up, and Alan made a giant airplanes.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Storm watching

Here the kids are with their Daddy watching a storm in the distance. The storm never actually got to us, but we could see so much lightening in the distance that we sat out front and watched it. There were lightening strikes literally every few seconds. Unfortunately I couldn't get any shots of it. We were glad the storm never got to us.

My Home Town

My Home Town
Tacoma at Night

Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA