Friday, January 18, 2008
Reflecting on William's homecoming...
Here's a picture of my parents the day that William and I came home from the hospital. Also the day that Tom left for a short shooting trip and the day that my parents left to go back to Washington. I got home from the hospital at about 11:30 am, and they all left for the airport at 1:00pm, leaving me alone with my exhaustion from William's birth and 4 children and no family around to help me. Acting on inspiration I'm sure, Robin Harrell called our house about 5 minutes before everyone was leaving, and offered to have Kate spend the night to help. What an incredible blessing she was to me and my children. When I was pretty much a zombie from exhaustion that night, she was there to feed my kids and put them to bed. Then the next morning she brought me breakfast in bed. Then Kristi came by and took my kids for the day-that was a huge blessing too, and then she took them to the Harrells to play. I really did get rest. Thinking back I can't believe all that happened when we came home. I'm just so thankful for friends that are as good if not better than having family around.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Music and mayhem
I'm working on a song for this year's Youth theme "Steadfast and Immovable" and I've got it in my head, but I just haven't taken the time to write it down. Since I wrote a bunch of music for people last year, now I'm expected to do it again this year, and that's fine, but I've got to just sit down at the keyboard and computer to do it. I actually love doing that more than anything else, but I've got so many things on my plate right now I'm not sure when it will get done. Well, anyway, the baby's crying, and Kaitlyn says she needs me,.. so I'll go for now.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Welcome to our brand new Family Blog!!
With it being a new year, and having just had a new baby in our family, and with us being so far from family, I felt it was time to start keeping a little cyber record of our life here in the Rose home. Going from a family of five to a family of six, I thought I'd name the blog Half Dozen Roses.
We're thousands of miles away from any family, and it's really hard for us not to be able to see each other or be a part of family happenings. I would love for my children to be able to go to Grammy's preschool, or play croquet on Great Gradma McGiffin's lawn in Washington. I would love for us be able to go hiking in the mountains around Medford with our family in Oregon. But for now, we're here in the South, and until we can go back home again, we hope this little blog will help you get a little glimpse of our lives here.
So this blog is dedicated to our family whom we love and miss so much. Even though we're apart, writing this and knowing you read it, helps me feel a little closer to all of you. And hopefully, the miles between us won't feel so far.
My Home Town

Tacoma at Night
Seattle, WA