Last night we had Family Home Evening. Sarah was in charge of conducting the music, Alan was in charge of the story, and I was in charge of the activity. Sarah picked a song out of the Children's Song book and learned it so that she could teach it to us in FHE, and Alan picked a story out of the "Friend" magazine.
For our activity, I decided to have us make Peach Pie together. A friend down the street has a peach tree and she brought over a nice bag of peaches for us on Saturday. I looked up a peach pie recipe on I decided to make the ingredients a scripture guessing game. I looked up the ingredients by name in the scripture on LDS. org and then had us all look up the scriptures to figure out the ingredients-just like the "scripture cookies" that everybody does. Only this time it was Peach Pie. We had fun, and the pie was delicious!!
Scripture Pie
10 Fresh D&C 101:101, pitted and sliced
1/3 Cup 1 Kings 4:22 (flour)
1 Cup Jer. 6:20 (sugar)
1/4 Cup Psalms 55:21 (butter)
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1.Mix four, sugar and butter into crumb stage.
2.Place one crust in the bottom of a 9 inch pie plate. Line the shell with some sliced peaches. Sprinkle some of the butter mixture on top of the peaches, then put more peaches on top of the crumb mixture. Continue layering until both the peaches and the crumbs are gone.
3.Top with pie crust.
4.Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, or until crust is golden. Allow pie to cool before slicing. Best when eaten fresh!