On the first Sunday of the New Year, we were sitting in Sacrament meeting listening to the testimonies, when William decided to walk up to the stand to bear a testimony of his own. He didn't say anything to me before, and at first, when he left the bench, I thought he was just being wiggly and trying to get away from me, so I started after him. But then I noticed he was marching straight up to the stand. I thought he would go to his Dad (he's a counselor in the Bishopric) but he went right past him toward the microphone. Tom got up immediately to help him, but William didn't seem to notice or be seeking his Dad's help. William stepped right up on the little step they have for children, and began to speak. He still doesn't speak too well, so his words were a not really understandable, but he mentioned "presents" and "Thomas", and some other things, and then said, "Amen". After he said Amen he just walked right back to our bench and sat down. He seemed completely confident and unafraid. I was shocked. My little wild one whom we often call "William The Conquerer", who almost never sits still in Sacrament meeting, bore his testimony at just 3 years old.
Then, just last week, Alan got to speak at a baptism. A little boy in our ward who really likes Alan and looks up to him asked him to speak on the Holy Ghost at his baptism. I helped Alan find some scriptures on the Holy Ghost, and gave him some help in writing it, but I don't think I needed to. At the baptism when it was time for him to speak, he confidently went to the podium and shared his talk. It was a very good talk, and a very good experience for him. This was the first talk he's given out of primary, and he did a great job.
I'm so excited to see my kids get older and grow strong in the gospel. It makes me feel really happy to know that they are trying to do what's right.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Future Missionaries
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