Ready for Trick or Treating!

Alan's helmet was a real helmet Tom got from Australia. It had holes in it. We're thinking it was used for target practice?

Kaitlyn was a pink bat girl!

Turning Sarah into a red

Bending over was a little tough as an

And.... spiderman!!

...Or is it William?

Carving pumpkins is always a fun tradition for our family on Halloween. I've been so busy that we didn't go and buy pumpkins until Halloween. It was nearly impossible to find any pumpkins. We usually get a pumpkin for everyone, but the only pumpkins that were left were $30 pumpkins at a shop outside of town, and those pumpkins were painted. So, we just bought one, scrubbed off the paint as best we could, then each of the kids carved a face on a side of it. I carved the faces for William and Kaitlyn, and Alan and Sarah got to carve their own. It was Sarah's first time carving a pumpkin. She loved it.
The other pumkin is one we carved at the Stake Fall Festival a few weeks ago.

And Tom was Superman...

And I was Red Riding Hood...