Alan turns 10 tomorrow. YAY!! The birthday festivities began on Friday afternoon when he got home from school and discovered a handmade "starwars" card from Uncle Johnny and Aunt Jenette. He loved it!! He opened it right away and when he saw the light saber duel on the front said, "Oh! Cool!!"
Then, he had his birthday party yesterday with 12 friends. Add our 4 to the mix and we had 16 kids here total. Only 1 parent decided to stay at the party. I guess we should feel complimented that all these parents trusted Tom and I to leave their children here when they didn't even know us. But, those kids were so wild, I'm thinking they were just grateful for a place to leave them for 2 hours. :) It was crazy, but fun.
At the party, we let each of the kids build their own marshmallow gun with PVC pipe. Then we let them run wild in the yard with the guns and mini marshmallows. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of the marshmallow war.
Alan's party had a little bit of a theme. He's trying to collect pokemon cards, and so it had a pokemon theme. He wanted a "Pokeball" cake. Here's the blue pokeball cake.

Here's a little taste of what we had for 2 hours. Alan's friends "singing" Happy Birthday to him.
I'm not one of those sentimental mom's that get all weepy because my "baby" is 10. I'm excited that he's getting older. He's a huge help to me around the house, and is becoming so responsible. Most importantly, it's really neat to be able to have discussions with him about what the talks were in Sacrament meeting, or what he learned from our Book of Mormon reading the other night. I'm so happy to hear him share his testimony in church or teach a lesson for Family Home Evening. I'm looking forward to the happiest days when he leaves to serve a mission, and when he is married in the Temple.
Happy Birthday Alan Michael!