I love flowers. Tom knows I love flowers and that I'm just as happy with a beautiful boquet of flowers as with a present. He ordered the "Delux Hugs and Kisses" boquet from Proflowers.com, and it came on friday. It was so beautiful. This picture doesn't do it justice, but I love it.
Tom was conducting in church yesterday, and so he was trying to think of something to give to all the moms. I had been making some Hershey Kiss Roses as presents for the ladies I visit teach, and I suggested that I just make a few more for the ward. I also thought of another idea for peanut butter cup daises. I bought some mini PB cups, and some mini Hershey kisses, and I wrapped the mini kisses in foil so that hey looked like normal Kisses. Then I poked a wooden skewer through the PB cups and the kisses, and wrapped them in plastic wrap. Finally I wrapped them up in florist tape and put a plastic leaf around then with the florist tape. They turned out really nice. We had more than enough. Our ward is tiny, and we only had about 20 ladies there yesterday. But I had fun making the flowers anyway. And my kids and I didn't mind eating the extra ones. 
Dreaming of Sharing Time...
I was in charge of sharing time yesterday, and the monthly theme is "Heavenly Father planned for me to come to a family, I can strengthen my family now". A few days before I dreamt about doing a sharing time based on the story of the Liahona and the journey to the promised land. I dreamt that I had made a game called "Journey to a happy home" and that I made a little spinner chart for them kind of like the Liahona. It's the first time I've ever had that happen before. As I was preparing sharing time, I decided to go ahead and use the idea I dreamt about, and it worked. I talked about how the Liahona was the compass that told them how to get to the promised land, and it only worked when everyone in the family was being good. It stopped working when Laman and Lemuel tied up Nephi, and so when some of the family were being wicked, the whole family couldn't progress on their journey. Our families are the same. We are all working to have a happy home, and progressing to return to our Heavenly Home together. The Holy Ghost is our guide and will direct us home as long as we have the spirit in our home. The spirit cannot be there if some of us are not living the way we should.
In the game, the kids spun our little "Liahona" and it landed on a particular color with a particular picture on it. The color matched a spot on the game board that I had up on the chalk board. We talked about the picture on the spinner, and then moved a game marker on the board. As we progressed along the colored squares, we talked about how to strengthen our family. It was really good. (The music notes were for singing songs that went with it)
After our lesson/game of "Journey to a happy home", I got out some little wooden frames that I had ordered from my wholesale wood supplier, and let the kids decorate them for a mother's day present. At first, I had thought about having them paint on them, but I kept having the feeling that wasn't the right thing to have them do. The thought came to me that the primary closet would have some things do decorate the frames with, and it did! There were magnets in the closet that we stuck to the back of the frames so that they could stick to the refridgerator. There were also foam stickers from a prior primary activity that the kids could decorate their frames with. Crayon's worked really well on the frames too. It all worked out perfectly!!