For Alan's 9th Birthday we took 5 little boys + Alan and Sarah to see the animated starwars movie "The Clone Wars". They met at our house at 3:00pm, and we drove them all to the theater. Then we got 7 little children popcorn and drinks, then filed all 7 into see the movie. They had alot of fun. The movie was pretty decent. Lot's of action, which is just what a bunch of little boys want to see. William didn't want to sit on my lap for most of the movie, so I was in the back watching with my wiggly little one, while Tom sat with all the kids. After the movie we drove them back to our house for presents cake and ice cream.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Alan's 9th Birthday
Friday, August 29, 2008
Little Piano Man
I found this little piano at the GoodWill store for $5.95. That was so cheap that just couldn't resist buying it. It has two octaves and it sounds like a little tinkling music box when played. William loves to stand at it and bang on it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Preparing for the winter....
I've been working on my puzzles for the Christmas season all summer, but I haven't been able to really get going until the kids went back to school. I have a goal of having 50 ready by October 15. Last year I made them as people bought them, and it was quite stressful at times, especially when I had orders for multiples. And of course, I did have a baby last November, one puzzle even sold the day he was born. (I just love ebay)
Here's my stack of 10 freshly cut still needing alot of attention.
Here's my scroll saw after I've cut a few puzzles. Look at all that sawdust!! You can also see my protective glasses, ear plugs, wood mineral oil, and plans for new puzzles on the bulletin board behind it.
Yesterday I was able to get 6 painted, now I have to lacquer them..
Monday, August 25, 2008
Watching Hurricane Fay...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Bath time fun...
My Home Town

Tacoma at Night
Seattle, WA