The Family is of God - Quiet Book
I was looking for visuals to the song we're teaching the primary children in July, and I found this "quiet book" form of the song. Very neat.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Making a Primary song into a quiet book...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Flannel Board FHE
I found this cool wooden box in the shape of a book at Michael's about a month ago. I decided to paint it gold and fill it with flannel board story figures.
Many years ago (I'm thinking like before I was born) the church published flannel board stories. They don't have them anymore, but you can still find them on sugar doodle. They're extremely helpful for active little children on FHE night. They're also good to look at during scarament meeting. Click on the top to take you to the flannel board stories on sugardoodle . Click on the bottom picture to take you the flannel board stories from the "Friend" magazine.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Created for my parents by my talented sister-in-law Jenette
This was made into a book for my parents who are celebrating their 35th anniversary this year. The pictures are of my parents and my brothers and their wives and children. So awesome. I love it.
My Home Town

Tacoma at Night
Seattle, WA