About 2 months ago I felt that Kaitlyn was having a really hard time not being able to interact with other kids at school since she's home with me. I thought about trying to find a school for her to go to, and I even did some more research on the schools around here. I found nothing new, and after much prayer I felt that as long as we live here, the best school for her is Georgia Cyber Academy.
So, I got onto the GCA family directory and looked up families that had 1st graders and emailed them all in hopes of being able to start doing some activities together. I got a pretty good response!! I have since formed a group on facebook called k12 in columbus.
To make a long story short, we decided to get together at the Columbus Museum for a Valentine exchange. We had close to 20 kids there!! There are actually probably around 100 kids here in Columbus that go to GCA, and 10,000 students in all of the state of Georgia. We went to the children's section of the Columbus Museum, where they have hands on activities, and it was a great place for the kids to play and get to know each other better. It was nice to see them go up to each other to give out valentine's and actually get to know some kids their age.
The party was at 2:00pm, after Sarah's school day was over (she had a half day), so she could come too.

Since the museum wouldn't let the kids make crafts there, we made some mailboxes at home to bring to the party.
Below is a picture of the flower Sarah got from her friend Blake at
her school Valentine's Day party. She was really excited to get this from him. :)