I've had this recipe for a cake in the crockpot for a long time, and I wanted to try it out. So, last week when we had the missionaries for dinner I let Alan make the cake in the crockpot. It was a triple chocolate cake. It was very moist and very delicious! We topped it with home made whipped cream.
For the recipe, go here: http://bringonthefood.blogspot.com/2012/02/triple-chocolate-cake-in-crockpot.html
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Alan bakes a cake in the crockpot!
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Fortune Cookies!
One of our good friends just had a new baby. She was born close to the Chinese New Year, and for fun, I took them some home made Chinese food (sweet and sour chicken), and I made them some home made fortune cookies with fortunes in them that I customized for them. I even colored them pink for their new baby girl. The fortunes were for meant for the baby and said things like,
"You will be adored by all who see you"
"You will be carried everywhere you go"
"Many diaper changes ahead" I also found this cute idea for making fortune cookie booties on Martha Stewart.com. I changed the pattern slightly because I didn't like the way they looked when I made them the first time, so I made them a second time and I think after my revisions they turned out really cute.
My Home Town

Tacoma at Night
Seattle, WA