A family tradition we do every year that we love. This year we used graham crackers.
(PS. This is the 8th post I've written today, I had some catching up to do, so if you want to know what we've been doing since Halloween, scroll down and take a look at the previous posts.)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Gingerbread houses
Yummy food for the ward Christmas party
Dad's surgery, and decorating the tree...
Parties, and cousins, and fun! Oh, My!!
We are so happy that Uncle Johnny, Aunt Jenette, Cousin Robby and Cousin Nathan came to visit!! We loved having them over. They stayed for just a few days, but we were glad for the short time we had with them.
Friday night we had a little birthday party for William. We invites just a few friends over; Karter and Kamryn Ence, and Koen Jones, then we had the cousins Robby and Nathan here of course, so it made a nice number of guests for a birthday party.
Here's Kaitlyn, Robby with his trusty "Woody" hat, and William making the cupcakes to decorate at the party.
On Saturday we went to Flat Rock Park again and played a little while before Johnny and Jenette left. We were soooooo sad once they were gone!! The kids were really depressed. Alan cried a little, and William later in the day was asking where his friends went. We love our family!! We hope one day we'll get to live closer to them.
William's birthday
William turned four on November 28th, and since Tom was going to be out of town for William's birthday party at the end of the week, we had a little family party before he left
Here's some pics of a few things we did on Thanksgiving. We had our good friends the Ence's over, and the Missionaries.
Dad went hunting
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Stake Fall Festival
Two weeks ago was the Stake Fall Festival. In years past, instead of a Fall Festival they had a ball. This was much more family friendly. Each ward was assigned to do a few games, and every family was asked to bring chilli. There was a lot of chilli. The kids had fun carving pumpkins, "bobbing" for donuts, playing tug of war, getting face paint, making sand art, and many other things. It was a nice activity. We only got a few pics. William was with me all the time, so the pictures I have are of him.
Fun at Ft. Benning
We recently went to the Ft. Benning celebration they had for all the new soldiers and their families that have moved to Ft. Benning. There were many many bounce houses and other activities. Here are a few of the highlights: William and Sarah waited in the sun for nearly an hour in line for this "ride". They both loved it.
My Home Town

Tacoma at Night
Seattle, WA