My kids are still young enough to think that doing chores and helping me is cool. I've been having them do alot around the house, and they actually enjoy it. Here's a picture of 3-yr-old
Kaitlyn doing her laundry. Yesterday I taught Alan and Sarah how to do their laundry themselves. From start to finish they collect their laundry from the baskets in their room, turn on the washer, put the soap in and then put the clothes in. When it's done washing, they put the wet clothes in the dryer. They then help me fold it and put away. It was funny to see them try to fold their socks. I also noticed that most of their clothes go from being folded by me, to being a ball of clothes shoved in their drawers by them, but nevertheless, they are helping. They liked learning, and I thought Kaitlyn would like it too. So, I had her help me do her clothes. We also started taking turns making the salad for dinner every night. I make the main dish, while Alan, Sarah and Tom take turns making the salad, and Kaitlyn sets the table. So far they all really like it when I have jobs for them. Hopefully that will continue. :)
My young son is having trouble helping out with the chores. He always cries about how he's quote "too little to help." I would appreciate your advice.
-sleepless in B'ham
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