
Monday, October 27, 2008

Parties and more parties...

Sarah and her friend enjoying goodies.

Kaitlyn stomping around in her dinosaur outfit-she insisted on being a "red dinosaur".
I did the best I could.

Alan in his Storm Trooper outfit. Notice the gun on the side? We're in the south remember, and no one even cared that he had a realistic looking gun. ... Wow I'm not in Washington anymore am I?

Saturday we had two Halloween parties to go to, plus a birthday party. We couldn't make the birthday party because it was inbetween the two Halloween parties, but we did go to the other two. The first Halloween party was a nice little party for young kids. The second one was a big party with mainly big kids in scary costumes, loud music, and gross looking food. If I'd known the second party was going to be like that, we probably wouldn't have gone-my kids are a little too young for stuff like that. Especially Kaitlyn and William. The second party was one that one of Sarah's best friend's throw every year for all their kids and their kid's friends. They have kids ranging from 7-12 or 13? Anyway, that party was majority young teens. Not a place for babies. We only stayed a little while, especially since we still go to bed at 8:00pm at our house. I think Alan and Sarah had fun although I had to constantly remind them that the scary creatures they were seeing were just people dressed up. When we got home Kaitlyn insisted on sleeping on Alan's floor in her sleeping bag. I just let her. We won't be going to that party next year....

One good thing though, we now have our costumes all ready for Halloween next week!!

Here's William in a costume that Sarah wore when she was 18 months old and walking.
William is already too big for it at 10 months-if he were standing you'd be able to see that the costume legs are too short, and the sleeves are just barely long enough.

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