
Friday, August 08, 2008

Chuck E Cheese's

Tom came home last night from his two week trip visiting family. He took the three oldest kids to Chuck E Cheese's today while I went grocery shopping with William, because frankly, I don't care for Chuck E Cheese's. He will often take them there when I need a break. At any rate, it was a fun way for them to spend some time with their Dad. They came home with tales of video games they played and cheap prizes they won. They had a good time, and Tom was happy to take them.


Johnny and Jenette said...

Sounds like fun! Why doesn't anyone ever invite us to go to Chucky E Cheeses? There was this guy with a peg leg named Willy... what a wierdo. He used to go bowling using cucumbers for pins and some guys head for a ball. He didn't have much money at the time.

Anonymous said...

heads? gross!

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