
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stone Mountian Feild Trip with Georgia Cyber Academy

Thousands of Georgia Cyber Academy students and their parents met for a fantastic event at Stone Mountain on a beautiful September 14. There were bounce houses, educational games, a chance to meet the teachers and interact with other students and parents, and just alot of fun. It was really nice to be around people who care so much about the education of their children and take a very active role in it. All of the kids we met were well behaved and polite, and all the parents were really nice.... but it was soooo crowded!!!
After we went to the GCA event, we decided to go exploring the mountain. We went to the park museum, and also started to hike up the mountain. I say "started" because it was a pretty hot day, and the mountain was pretty steep. We decided to come back and climb it on a cooler day. We learned alot about how the stone itself was formed, and also about the carving on it. The kids had a lot of fun and they didn't want to leave. It's a beautiful park with alot of things to do.

The GCA event was so well attended, and their were so many people that it was hard to get a good picture of how many were there. I'd say there were probably 2,000-4,000 people.
Drawing with chalk.
Making a pumpkin craft.
Sarah had fun doing some dancing.
Alan waited patiently to challenge a boy who was beating everyone at Chess. When it was his turn to play, Alan beat him. The boy wanted to do a rematch, but we were on our way to do another activity.
Looking at a replica of giant crystals in the stone mountain museum.
Kaitlyn on a journey to the center of the earth!!
The climb up Stone Mountain.
Playing on the way up the mountain.
The giant field in front of the carving. This is where people come to watch Laser light shows.
William had fun discovering the mountain.


Anonymous said...

That looks like fun! I just love Stone Mountain. I'm so glad, too, that you found a good educational option for your kids. Looks like a win/win situation for all. :)

Jennifer Rose said...

If I could find a decent school here, I would put them in it in a heartbeat. But, unfortunately I can't seem to find anything, and so even though it's not my first choice, it's the best choice for now.

Johnny and Jenette said...

That place looks super cool! How far away is it?

Jennifer Rose said...

Stone Mountain is just outside Atlanta.

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