
Thursday, July 08, 2010

The Fantastic Fourth

We had a two day 4th of July celebration. Since the fourth was on a Sunday we did our big barbecue on Saturday. We had our good friends the Ence's come over and enjoy the day with us. Then on Sunday we went to their house and spent the afternoon after church with their family of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandpa, grandma etc. It was nice since we're never with family on the fourth, they were kind of our surrogate family. In the evening we went downtown with them to watch the fireworks.
Here's some of the kids enjoying the fire works. Although Sarah looks like she didn't expect to get her picture taken.

I've always wanted to make one of those flag desserts, but I've been soooo busy these days, I didn't want to work too much on the holiday. So I just made some jello with fruit in it, then covered it with whipcream and made it look like a flag with blueberries and strawberries. It was yummy, and not much work. Here's a video of the "pop-it's" festivities.

And this next video is my favorite. When we went to the fireworks down town, William immediately began to climb the wall that was in front of us. He would run across the wall and yell as if he were doing some sort of warrior cry, then jump off into the grass. I wasn't able to capture him yelling as he ran, because he was focused on going to see the ants at the end of the wall, but he does jump at the end with his little warrior yell. It's so funny because we've never heard him do that before.


Ben said...

Wow, now there's a stink face on Sarah if I ever saw one! Looks like a lot of fun.

Ben said...
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