
Thursday, May 13, 2010

William the conquerer at nap time

Here's William's bedroom before he takes a nap: Here's William's bedroom after he takes a nap:
In case you can't see all of the conquests, here they are in detail:
All of the wipes are pulled out of the container.
A peice of his old cradle has been pulled out from under the bed... among other things...
The bookshelf is knocked over. The diapers are pulled out of the drawer we're they're kept:
The mattress is completeley flipped upside down: And when I flip the mattress over, this is what I find:
Marker on the rug... Marker on the back of the door..
And somehow, Sarah's chapstick was in his room, so he had fun with that too:
So... there you have it. William the conquerer strikes again.
I often find him asleep on the floor amidst the mess he makes.
I guess he feels he needs to tire himself out before he settles down for a nap.
I know what your thinking, "Can't she hear him doing all of this?" the answer is,
"No, he's a very stealth conquerer. "
I do go in and check on him, and he's usually in mid conquest. I make him get back in his bed, but often when I leave, he's back at again.


Johnny and Jenette said...

He's a little terror. However, it looks like he is good at drawing baloons. I wonder how he flipped the mattress. That couldn't be too easy.

king bacon2 said...

Holy Cow! That is crazy. He is one busy little guy. He must be really strong to flip the mattress like that. Maybe he did it so he could hide the drawing he made. I hope that you can get all of the marks out.

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