
Thursday, March 25, 2010

PVC pipe is cool

Years ago I was in charge of the Fall Festival at Alan and Sarah's school, and I built booths out of PVC pipe for it. Knowing that if I left it at school it would just get thrown out, I decided to keep it. Since then we've used it for all sorts of fun stuff. We've made houses and giant forts with it, we've made balloon arches with it for birthdays, and I've used it in primary for object lessons. William loves to just sit and put the shorter peices together.

It's kind of like giant tinker toys.
For those of you who are wondering, a 10 foot pole of PVC pipe is about $1 at the Home Depot or Lowes. The joints are about .20-40 cents each. You can cut it easily with pretty much any kind of saw, to any length you want. You can even spray paint it if you like a variety of colors. Very cool.

1 comment:

Connie Chung said...

You should make a little car out of it for William to drive in.

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