Sarah has long legs. So long that it's always been a challenge finding dresses that will even go down to her knees. Tom and I decided long ago that if we want to have teenagers that dress modestly, we'll have to teach them when they're young. Something that's really hard to enforce when the styles of little girl dresses are these cute little short things. Every Sunday it's the same thing: Sarah gets dressed for church and when she comes out I always say, "That's too short, you'll have to wear something else." It's gotten to the point that only 1 or 2 of her dresses are long enough, so, I decided to try to make her one.
Now, I'm an extremely impatient person. I like the end result of sewing, but I don't like all the pinning and cutting and measuring. I found this pattern for something called a "pillow dress" that's super easy. I didn't even start it until about 10:00pm last night, and it was
completely finished by midnight! That's the kind of sewing I like.
So, here's the finished product. Like I said, it's extremely basic, and I needed to make it longer than it's supposed to be. But, believe it or not, Sarah's knees are just above the bottom of that dress, so it's the perfect length with a little room to grow.
Nice job! It only took me eight hours to make one just like it.
Yay for Sarah's birthday!!!!!
Well, it was actually more of a grunt followed by a squeel, but we got the jist.
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